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Our public legislative tracker allows you to track bills supporting personalized, competency-based learning.
Learner profiles can help teachers in course design and students to develop agency.
A guidebook to help understand the factors that have contributed to academic success for historically marginalized yet resilient students
Student voices are too often absent in the decisions of organizations advocating for student-centered learning models. Let’s change that.
A toolkit for small groups helps you map to your preferred future of learning.
Out of the Box provides an action plan for rethinking teaching and learning in a way that better prepares today’s…
Guest author and contributor to our forecast Lonny Brooks explains how the gamified forecasting tool AfroRithms from the Futures works.
This toolkit contains instructions, examples and templates to examine current realities, explore possibilities and chart a course forward.
This guide is designed to help a range of state policymakers identify initial steps to support schools and districts wanting…
Because we will never break out of systems, it’s important to examine them to understand and change them. The systems…
Why it’s important to spend time with uncertainty to help us clarify what we want from the future
Paper shares youth visions for a post-pandemic future of learning and strategies to achieve them.
A future of learning where students of all races and ethnicities, incomes and identities pursue the kinds of learning experiences that enable them to uncover their passions and thrive in an evolving world.
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