Navigating the Future of Learning:
A Strategy Guide

June 26, 2019
By: Katherine Prince, Jason Swanson


  • This strategy guide helps K-12 educators, higher education institutions and community-based learning organizations take action for the future
  • The next decade represents an opportunity to imagine new kinds of education structures, practices and programs that support young people, enable lifelong learning and drive community vitality
  • Explore five opportunity areas for building strategies that will help education stakeholders and institutions shape the future of learning, shepherd learning ecosystems toward more equitable futures and demonstrate leadership in revitalizing our democracy

Navigating the Future of Learning: A Strategy Guide is designed to help K-12 educators, postsecondary education institutions and community-based learning organizations take action with the future in mind.

As explored in KnowledgeWorks’ 2018 forecast, Navigating the Future of Learning, people, smart machines and the code that powers them are interacting in new and deeper ways that are requiring us to redefine our relationships with one another, with our institutions and even with ourselves. As we grapple with these advances, the next decade represents an opportunity to imagine new kinds of education structures, practices and programs that support the healthy development of young people, enable lifelong learning and drive community vitality.

Navigating the Future of Learning: A Strategy Guide is organized into five opportunity areas for building effective strategies and offers examples of strategies that stakeholders might adopt, along with associated tactics. These strategies and tactics are intended as starting points that can be modified, adapted and developed to suit the unique visions of individual organizations, communities and states. This strategic guidance reflects insights and issues drawn from workshops with current learners and education leaders, innovators and influencers of K-12 school-based education, postsecondary education and community-based learning programs.

To help education stakeholders realize their visions for the future, this guide closes with a series of broad insights that can inform how stakeholders talk to their communities about change and how they go about implementing their chosen strategies.


Katherine Prince
Vice President of Foresight and Strategy
Jason Swanson
Senior Director of Strategic Foresight

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