Making the Case: Compelling Data
This growing library features data points describing the impacts and outcomes of student-centered and competency-based teaching and learning. The data are sourced from research studies, evaluation reports and journal articles, as well as evidence collected directly by classroom, school, district and state leaders.
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Washington Teachers Feel Culturally Responsive Practices Improve Equity
75% of Washington's Mastery-Based Learning Collaborative educators surveyed believe that implementing culturally responsive-sustaining education would improve their school’s ability to achieve equitable outcomes for students from historically marginalized yet resilient groups. 75% also thought it would improve school culture and climate.
Washington Educators See Mastery-based Learning as Key to Equity
In evaluating Washington's Mastery-Based Learning (MBL) Collaborative, 67% of educators believe that implementing MBL deeply would improve their school’s ability to achieve equitable outcomes for students from historically marginalized yet resilient groups. 63% also agreed that MBL would improve school culture and climate.
Washington Educators Personalize Learning
An evaluation of Mastery-Based Learning Collaborative schools across Washington showed many educators are providing personalization even in early stages of implementation. 70% report students often, most of the time or always receive personalized supports. 48% indicated students often can choose different ways to learn the same material.
Washington Educators Support Mastery-based Learning
Interviews for an early evaluation of the Washington Mastery-Based Learning Collaborative revealed that while time was the most commonly listed hurdle to implementation, 96% of school leaders and 72% of educators still support future implementation at deeper levels.
Innovative Schools Hold Steady on Traditional Outcome Measures
A report analyzing 251 innovative schools’ approach to documentation of impact found that in states where comparison was possible, no negative effect on traditional measures such as state test performance. It also documented the high value these schools place on outcomes that are difficult to measure like deeper learning and sense of belonging.
Learning-by-Teaching Improves Learning Across Content Areas
A meta-analysis of learning-by-teaching, a student-centered strategy for learning content, found the creation of materials to teach peers improved learning outcomes. The positive effect of 0.17 was statistically significant and held across different educational levels and content areas.
Peer and Self-Assessment Boosts Learning
This meta-analysis of 175 independent studies involving 19,383 participants found that self-assessment (SA) and/or peer-assessment (PA) interventions had a significant positive overall effect on academic performance, as measured by grades and test-scores. There was no significant difference in effect between SA and PA.
Creating Audio-Visual Materials for Peers Bolsters Learning
A meta-analysis of 62 comparisons from 23 articles concluded that creating teaching materials for peers has a positive effect on student learning, compared to alternative or no interventions. This effect was largest when students created audio-visual versus text-based materials.
NC Students from Early College High School Earn More Associate Degrees
An experimental study analyzing data from 4,000 North Carolina students showed those randomly selected to attend early college high schools were three times more likely to earn an associate degree than those who did not attend (32.8% versus 11%). Higher numbers earning associate degrees did not decrease bachelor's degree attainment.
Early College High Schools Lead to Higher Postsecondary Attainment
A 14-year, experimental study found North Carolina students who attended early college high schools were more likely to have earned some kind of postsecondary credential after six years than those not in early college. 44.3% earned degrees, compared to 33.0% of the control group.
Early College High Schools Benefit Economically Disadvantaged Students
An experimental study in North Carolina found the impact of attending an early college high school was higher for economically disadvantaged students. While all students who attended early college high schools were 3.9 percentage points more likely to have obtained a bachelor's degree, economically disadvantaged students were 4.5 percentage points
Partnership in Meaningful Research Bolsters Student Agency
A Vermont high school teacher’s dissertation showed students exhibited higher levels of agency after participation in a Youth Action Research Project. They reported they felt heard, effectively represented other students and contributed to meaningful change. They could describe the impact of growing adult-student partnerships on their agency.
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A future of learning where students of all races and ethnicities, incomes and identities pursue the kinds of learning experiences that enable them to uncover their passions and thrive in an evolving world.
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