Search Results for: north dakota – Page 4

Magnifying glass over puzzle pieces. Two puzzlie pieces are missing with the word "policy" in their place.

Resource: Article

Lessons for Sustainable Policy Change

New book offers strategies relevant to today’s political landscape.
a group of stakeholders collaborate in creating a Portrait of a Learner at Nevada's Future of Learning Convening 2022

Resource: Stories from the Field

Building a Portrait of a Nevada Learner from the Community Up

How educators, community members and students are working together to build a vision for the future of teaching and learning in Nevada
adults gathered around a table brainstorming or strategizing with sticky notes

Resource: Stories from the Field

What Happens When Districts Learn from Each Other

Every system, like every learner, is an individual. And they can learn a lot from each other.
illustration of people around a map with locations pinned, data graphics and systems symbols

Resource: Article

Advancing Education Innovation Through Place-Based Strategies

Place-based strategies lead to greater engagement of stakeholders and greater ownership of the work.
A mixed group of educators interacting, convened for the Ohio Personalized Learning Network

Resource: Article

What Personalized Professional Learning Pathways Can Do

The Ohio Personalized Learning Network aims to provide professional learning pathways to help Ohio educators personalize learning for each student. One educator explains.

Resource: Article

Personalized, competency-based learning isn’t about us. It’s about our learners.

Supporting students isn’t an issue of partisan politics – it’s a necessity.
dots connected with multiple colors of chalk on a black chalk board

Resource: Article

Connecting the Dots: Linking Student-Centered Learning and College and Career Pathways

How student-centered learning and college and career pathways best prepare learners to create a more hopeful future
Child with Asian-identifying features in a green dress holds something up to measure it's size against something off camera

Resource: Stories from the Field

What We Measure Matters

Student data is about more than just achievement. We need to capture evidence of meaningful, relevant learning experiences, too.
Two SXSWedu sessions hosted district and state leaders sharing their efforts in pursuit of systemic change.

Resource: Article

States Report on Advancing Student-Centered Learning at SXSW EDU

Two SXSWedu sessions hosted district and state leaders sharing their efforts in pursuit of systemic change.
A group of adults sit at a table and talk with each other. An older Black man in glasses and blue and white striped button-up shirt and White woman with long blonde hair in a pink buttonup shirt are the central focus as we peer over the shoulders of two others..

Resource: Article

More Than a Word

How we’re changing the way we work to center the needs, interests and passions of each student.
A group of adults brainstorm together

Resource: Article

Personalizing Professional Development: On the Path to a Collaborative Culture

Changing what professional development looks and feels like to support personalized, competency-based learning at scale.

Resource: Article

Measuring Forward: Emerging Trends in K-12 Assessment Innovation

A report on insights and innovations emerging in K-12 assessment systems.

