Search Results for: north dakota – Page 3

people with notebooks and clipboards at a bulletin board with papers pinned to it, smiling at the camera

Resource: Article

Why – and How – Educators Learn Best from Each Other

Learning communities across the country share what drives educators in peer learning opportunities.
a purple topographic map with one yellow line connecting three points

Resource: Article

The Power of Seeing Education Innovation in Person

District leaders share insights into the best ways to scale personalized, competency-based learning.
pins on a calendar

Resource: Article

Why It’s Important to Align Your Master Schedule to Your Vision

Reconsidering the master schedule as an element in how you realize your vision for teaching and learning
learners at a long table and an educator leans over the table talking to one of the learners

Resource: Stories from the Field

Shifting the Thinking to Learners with Authentic Voice and Choice

Authentic student voice and choice is about helping students understand themselves as learners.
Cyan, purple, orange and yellow circles and lines twisted together over a navy blue background

Resource: Article

Traditional Classroom Management Versus Student-centered Classroom Management

What’s the difference between traditional and student-centered classroom management and why does it matter?
Three elementary-aged students of Asian descent sit at a table examining a model of muscle and nerves

Resource: Article

Personalized, competency-based learning needs student-centered classroom management. Here’s why.

Use this list to guide practices in your school or classroom.
When we partner with learning communities, one of the first steps we take is supporting the development of a shared vision.


Building a Shared Vision

Portrait of a young female doctor wearing a blue coat posing in a dentist office with medical equipment in the background

Resource: Article

Redesigning High School Around Competency-based Education and Pathways at Kettle Moraine

This charter school avoided restrictive state policies to implement competency-based learning.
At KnowledgeWorks, we’ve seen the impact personalized, competency-based learning has had in the lives of teachers and students.


At KnowledgeWorks, we believe that all children can learn, should be challenged to take ownership of their learning and build the knowledge and skills they need for the future.


Advancing Student-centered Learning

Brown-haired, bearded white teacher in a purple long-sleeve shirt assisting Black student in white polo shirt on an assignment

Resource: Article

What’s the difference between a standard and a competency?

Sometimes competencies and standards are conflated. Competencies made clear and simple!
illustration of wrecking ball crashing into a brick wall

Resource: Article

Tearing Down the Wall

An examination of the collective impact of personalized learning on special education

