One District Shares Their Personalized, Competency-Based Learning Journey

September 17, 2021

By: Robin Kanaan

How does one South Carolina district work to ensure each student gets what they need to achieve at the highest levels? Watch to find out.

When we asked Lexington County School District 3 to host a virtual inquiry lab – the district’s answer to providing educators the opportunity to see personalized, competency-based learning in action and learn from their peers – they accepted the challenge and then some. They created a video that highlights the district’s journey to personalized, competency-based learning district-wide, showcasing the work they have been doing to ensure each student gets what they need to achieve at the highest levels.

And while they have been committed to personalized, competency-based learning since January of 2017, the pandemic didn’t slow them down. Much of what’s featured in the video is from the summer of 2020 to now.

Lexington Three Lighthouse District Video

Educators in this district are bridging the gaps between instructional approaches in classrooms, implementing small group instruction and in the high school, embracing what it truly means to pre-assess learners for readiness. The shifts in this small but mighty district can be credited to their vision, tenacity and their drive to do better – and I feel privileged to partner with them.

One of the first questions teachers ask about personalized learning, no matter how excited they might be to implement, is, “What will this look like in my classroom?” In this district, they’ve got a great way of answering.


Robin Kanaan
Senior Director of Teaching and Learning

Related Resources

The Portrait of a Leader defines the attributes necessary for educators to effectively and sustainably lead systems change.

Designing a high school experience that helps learners find their path forward

Shelby Taylor
Director of Marketing and Communications

These case studies from Ohio showcase unique approaches to personalized learning – highlighting successes, challenges and strategies.

Shelby Taylor
Director of Marketing and Communications

