Connections to the Future:
Illustrating Liberatory Education Artifacts
Artifacts from the future can be everyday objects, such as a picture, a piece of clothing or a traffic sign. They can represent specific, concrete details about the future. They help people see and feel how the changes that we are experiencing today could translate into new ways of doing things.
The artifacts in Connections to the Future: Illustrating Liberatory Education Artifacts were co-created with people from different walks of life and different spaces in education. The discussions they will spark can be similarly cross-cutting in whom they reach, creating room for questions like:
Futures thinking can help us reimagine how education can best serve future generations.
Designing a high school experience that helps learners find their path forward
Look ahead 10 years at possibilities for the future of learning.
A future of learning where students of all races and ethnicities, incomes and identities pursue the kinds of learning experiences that enable them to uncover their passions and thrive in an evolving world.
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