Exploring the Future
Education Workforce
Students have more opportunities to learn at any time, in school, throughout the community and online. There’s growing interest in learning through virtual realities, digital games and social media platforms. Educators and stakeholders are placing more importance on immediate student-level data to help adjust learning more quickly.
However, as education continues to change, educator roles will need to adapt to expanding learning environments in which students learn in new ways. In Exploring the Future Education Workforce: New Roles for an Expanding Learning Ecosystem, we forecast what kinds of educator roles might contribute to more flexible and rigorous learning environments in 10 years.
We explore these seven possible educator roles.
Designing a high school experience that helps learners find their path forward
Look ahead 10 years at possibilities for the future of learning.
Clarifying what purpose(s) education systems seek to pursue can help establish shared goals, shifting mindsets and structures for educator supports.
A future of learning where students of all races and ethnicities, incomes and identities pursue the kinds of learning experiences that enable them to uncover their passions and thrive in an evolving world.
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