Forecast 5.0
Navigating the Future of Learning
Navigating the Future of Learning is KnowledgeWorks’ fifth comprehensive forecast on the future of learning. A new era is unfolding in which exponential advances in digital technologies are causing us to reevaluate our relationships with one another, with our institutions and with ourselves. As part of this shift, we have identified five drivers of change that will impact learning over the next decade and imagine what those drivers of change could mean for education. How these forces combine and interact will present a new context for education and a new landscape of choices for transforming teaching and learning.
As you grapple with the changes on the horizon, delve into what they could mean for learning and consider what role you might play in shaping the future of learning, approaching the future with a spirit of exploration will help make it approachable.
We can never know how the future will unfold, but we can expand our ideas about what might be possible and necessary for learning. We can also identify where we might want to intervene, harness or adapt to shape a future of learning in which all students can thrive.
Exploring the future of learning today is an act of stewardship to our future communities and to the young people who will live in them.
Two posters accompany Navigating the Future of Learning, illustrating topics from the forecast and offering a visual jumping off point for conversations:
Executive Summary
Download an executive summary of the forecast, which summarizes key points from Navigating the Future of Learning.
Strategy Guide
Our strategy guide is designed to help K-12 educators, postsecondary education institutions and community-based learning organizations take action with the future in mind.
Discussion Guides
While reading Navigating the Future of Learning is a valuable way to explore future trends and their possible impact on teaching and learning, you can also use it as a starting point for rich discussions and strategic planning and help initiate positive action and change. To assist in productive conversations, we have created three audience-specific discussion guides for district, school and classroom leaders; higher education administrators, faculty and staff; and education thought leaders and changemakers
Additional Reading
We created Navigating the Future of Learning using strategic foresight methodology, which is a planning-oriented discipline related to futures studies. This allows us to identify common themes and make informed observations under conditions of uncertainty. We have compiled a collection of resources that helped inform Navigating the Future of Learning, as well as additional related reading. We will continue to add relevant resources to this collection over time.
Futures thinking can help us reimagine how education can best serve future generations.
Designing a high school experience that helps learners find their path forward
Look ahead 10 years at possibilities for the future of learning.
A future of learning where students of all races and ethnicities, incomes and identities pursue the kinds of learning experiences that enable them to uncover their passions and thrive in an evolving world.
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