Making the Case: Compelling Data

This growing library features data points describing the impacts and outcomes of student-centered and competency-based teaching and learning. The data are sourced from research studies, evaluation reports and journal articles, as well as evidence collected directly by classroom, school, district and state leaders.

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    Social-Emotional Learning

    District Leaders Rate Social-Emotional as Important as Academic Skills

    In a national survey of school counselors and district staff, 72.5 percent of district leaders indicated that building students’ social-emotional skills is as important as academic knowledge. Counselors have a critical role in delivering social-emotional learning.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Social-Emotional Factors Play a Role in Student Engagement

    The top five factors influencing student engagement all focus on the whole child. Creativity and self-expression was ranked highest, with 85% indicating a positive impact on engagement. Whole child factors ranked higher than factors like academic growth.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Positive Student-Teacher Relationships Lead to Better Health Outcomes

    Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health shows that student- teacher relationships have an even bigger impact on long term adult health than student-peer relationships.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Small Groups and Flexibility Lead to Positive Learning Conditions

    Surveys and interviews with educators during COVID-19 indicated smaller groups and flexibility in shaping learning environments around students’ needs led to stronger relationships. 57% could better support social and emotional well-being in small groups.

    Student Agency and Voice

    Comprehensive Student Advising Shows Promising Evidence

    This research brief examines the research base for comprehensive student advising, looking at the ways it fosters relationships, social capital and student agency. It concludes there is promising evidence of impact (as defined by the US Department of Education).

    Career and Technical Education

    Project-Based Learning Improves Collaboration

    In a study investigating the student-level impacts of high quality project-based activities, teacher evaluation determined that 71% of students demonstrated proficient or above in collaboration skills.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Relationships Build Foundation for Successful Personalization

    According to research report findings from City Year, prioritizing trust and strong relationships is the foundation for successful personalization.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Strong Relationships Foster Engagement

    According to a City Year research report, AmeriCorps members leaning into the practice of building strong developmental relationships was critical for maintaining student engagement.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Competency-Based Practices Increase Student Engagement

    In a study of 11 schools in Maine, researchers discovered a positive relationship between the degree of exposure to competency-based education practices (e.g., minimum, low-medium, and medium) and self-reported student engagement.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Mastery-Based Strategies Bolster Intrinsic Motivation

    In an analysis of schools in three states, some competency-based education practices (e.g., clarity and required attainment of learning targets; use of multiple assessment types) were perceived as increasing students’ intrinsic motivation.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Personalized Learning Increases Belonging in Ohio District

    Marysville Exempted Village School District in Ohio saw gains in measures of hope, belonging, engagement and management when they began implementing personalized learning approaches.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Student-Centered Approach Improves Attendance and Behavior

    Across Kansas, schools early in the student-centered and future-focused redesign process are seeing dramatic improvements in attendance and behavior data, including fewer tardies, fewer suspensions and expulsions, fewer incidents of extreme behaviors and better engagement with families.

