Making the Case: Compelling Data

This growing library features data points describing the impacts and outcomes of student-centered and competency-based teaching and learning. The data are sourced from research studies, evaluation reports and journal articles, as well as evidence collected directly by classroom, school, district and state leaders.

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    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Teachers Concerned Curriculum Not Culturally Relevant

    In a national survey of teachers during the COVID pandemic, only 35% of teachers felt their curriculum was culturally relevant for the population they teach. Only 41% felt it was accessible, appropriate and engaging for all students.

    Impact and Academic Outcomes

    Content Mastery Increases with Project-Based Learning PD

    A district study showed a significant number of students in each grade met local learning goals one or two of four content areas after their teachers participated in project-based learning training, compared to peers whose teachers did not.

    Student Agency and Voice

    More Autonomy Increases Elementary Reading Scores in TN

    After implementing personalized learning days and increasing student ownership, a fifth grade class in Tennessee saw reading gains along with personal growth. Students reading below grade level fell from 84% to 25% over the course of the year.

    Curriculum and Instruction

    Use of Adaptive Learning Software to Personalize Learning Increased Dramatically

    An EdWeek end-of-year survey shows the number of districts using adaptive learning software to personalize learning rose from 54% before the pandemic to 85% in 2020.

    Impact and Academic Outcomes

    Personalized Learning Increases Achievement Measured by Standardized Tests

    A study of high and low performing student-centered schools showed when personalized learning is implemented thoroughly, higher test scores result. 

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Small Groups and Flexibility Lead to Positive Learning Conditions

    Surveys and interviews with educators during COVID-19 indicated smaller groups and flexibility in shaping learning environments around students’ needs led to stronger relationships. 57% could better support social and emotional well-being in small groups.

    Student Agency and Voice

    Student Choice Increases Engagement in Reading

    This study of four 8th-grade teachers shows an increase in student agency when assigned reading was replaced with student-selected, self-paced choices. Peer relationships and classroom culture change as students become more engaged readers.

    Student Agency and Voice

    Showing Learning Through Video Bolsters Student Agency

    A study of innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic documents “Teach-Back” Tuesdays at a Dallas school. By sharing videos of themselves teaching academic content, students bolster their agency while demonstrating learning.

    School and Classroom Culture

    Principals Report Project-Based Learning Helps Students Meet Academic Standards

    In a large national survey, 80% of principals implementing schoolwide project-based learning feel it helps students meet academic standards. 90% report students can extend their learning from projects to other disciplines.

    Curriculum and Instruction

    Mastery-Based Approach in Math Supports Self-Direction

    A study of innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic documents the move to a mastery-based math pathway across 2nd-5th grades. Students are responsible for charting and monitoring their own learning pathway to achieve mastery.

    Curriculum and Instruction

    Teachers Across Grade-Levels and Subjects Value Project-Based Learning

    Feedback from over 11,000 teachers nationwide indicates 77% feel project-based learning would benefit their students. This high valuation is consistent across grade-levels taught as well as subjects, from science to history. 

    Impact and Academic Outcomes

    Standardized Test Scores Improve After PD on Project-Based Learning

    At Lindsay Unified School District, students scored higher on the Diagnostic Reading Assessments® (DRA), Scholastic Reading Inventory® (SRI), and California’s Smarter Balanced Assessment system (SBAC) after teachers received PD on project-based learning.

