Search Results for: transcript

A transcript from a personalized, competency-based system has the potential to be not only a truly accurate reflection of what a student knows, but also makes learning transparent to all stakeholders – including families.

Resource: Article

Talking with Families About Transcripts and Grading in a Personalized, Competency-Based Environment

A competency-based transcript is an accurate reflection of what a student knows

Resource: Publication

Beyond the Horizon

Recommendations to help move toward equitable, learner-centered school quality systems
In a personalized, competency-based learning environment, the purpose of assessment is no longer just to determine what students know or don’t know.

Resource: Article

More Than Taking a Test

In a personalized, competency-based learning environment, the purpose of assessment is no longer just to determine what students know or don’t know.
logo for IMPACT: Learning Edition. Hexagons, some being domain icons, are pieced together.

Resource: Article

Meet the Faces of IMPACT: Learning Edition

Meet the characters from IMPACT: Learning Edition, a game designed to spark conversations about the future of learning.
an educator leans over between two elementary students to help them with something on their digital tablet

Resource: Article

Capturing and Communicating Learning Requires More Than Time-Based Measures

Learn how a mastery-based transcript meets the needs of future-focused teaching and learning and how we can implement it.
Child with Asian-identifying features in a green dress holds something up to measure it's size against something off camera

Resource: Stories from the Field

What We Measure Matters

Student data is about more than just achievement. We need to capture evidence of meaningful, relevant learning experiences, too.
Andy Withers, a man with a spiked buzz cut and glasses in a button-up shirt and tie

Resource: Video

Using Systems Thinking to Make Critical Key Decisions

Superintendent Andy Withers stresses the importance and process of using systems thinking to make smart decisions, not temporary reactive bandages, for schools and districts.
Elementary children in a classroom at a table writing

Resource: Stories from the Field

Ungrading: Focusing on Feedback and Learner Agency

Traditional grading systems don’t take into account what students need to be lifelong learners – and to thrive in a future that will look very different from today.
Use the walkthrough to reflect about your teaching and how competencies can be leveraged to transform your learner-centered classrooms.

Resource: Article

Reflection Tool for Prioritized Competencies: A Video Walkthrough

Use the walkthrough to reflect about your teaching and practices.
empowered fists of varying skin tones in the air with hearts in the air symbolizing love

Resource: Video

Empowering Youth with Systems Thinking

Explore the ways in which youth use systems thinking tools to see the big picture and address community problems.
Illustration of sun, labeled "Human-Centered Learning," with the light being labeled "vision." Clouds read: "Education Liberates Young People to Participate Fully in Society," "Leadership Is Intentionally Inclusive and Co-Creative," "Schools Organize for Love and Belonging" and "Learning Becomes a Lifelong Personal Practice." An arrow path leads toward the sun. It's labeled "Strategic Steps" and lists the steps: "Model Learning as a Personal Practice," "Prioritize Relational Competencies as Essential Skills," "co-Create Authentic Learning for Agency and Impact" and "Build Organizational Connections for Equitable Responses."

Resource: Article

Learning as a Lifelong Personal Practice

As she models her own lifelong and lifewide learning, Katherine Prince digs into an essential vision element from Envisioning Human-Centered Learning Systems.
A smiling Black man with buzzed hair and facial hair, wearing a light blue button-up shirt, black-rimmed glasses and bracelets, calls someone on a cell phone while looking at a statistics and has a white laptop open in front of him.

Resource: Article

Advocating for Personalized, Competency-Based Education: Calling a Policymaker

As part of our advocacy toolkit, learn the strategy for calling your policymakers in advocating for personalized, competency-based learning.

