Making the Case: Compelling Data

This growing library features data points describing the impacts and outcomes of student-centered and competency-based teaching and learning. The data are sourced from research studies, evaluation reports and journal articles, as well as evidence collected directly by classroom, school, district and state leaders.

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    Career and Technical Education

    Project-based Learning Builds Creativity and Entrepreneurship Competency

    A qualitative study of a maker program in Hong Kong focused on real-world problem solving found the school's approach led to increases in 4 dimensions of creativity (novelty, utility, aesthetics and authenticity) and 3 areas of entrepreneurship (ideas and opportunities, resources and action).

    Learning and the Brain

    Self-efficacy Impacts Performance

    In a study of 400 German high school students, learners’ expectations of self-efficacy (belief in their ability to succeed), positively predicted their drawing quality and performance in solving real-world geometry problems.

    Curriculum and Instruction

    Personalized Math Program Builds Skills

    In a randomized control study of a supplemental mastery-based personalized math learning program, kindergarten students from 20 California classrooms, in which 100% of students qualified for free and reduced lunch, outperformed the control group on the Test of Early Mathematics Ability by 5.71 percentage points after using the program for 5 hours.

    Learning and the Brain

    Personalized Learning Boosts Scores on State Tests

    A 4-year longitudinal study of a pre-K - 8 California school implementing a strengths-based blended personalized learning model showed a significant positive impact on all Math, Reading and Language Use on NWEA MAP tests. On average, treatment students outperformed the control group by about 1.22 - 1.96 points on the MAP scale.

    Assessment and Accountability

    Students Report Better Self-Regulate When Teachers Use Formative Assessment

    Students in 3rd-12th grades whose teachers participated in formative assessment training reported higher use of self-regulated learning strategies on surveys in 3 Arizona districts. There was also a small but statistically significant association between more frequent use of formative assessment practices and more use of self-regulated learning str

    Assessment and Accountability

    Teachers Not Using Most Impactful Assessment Strategies

    Based on a survey study of 3 Arizona districts, the formative assessment practices that were most strongly associated with reported positive self-regulation by students – self-assessment and peer feedback – were among the assessments teachers used least.

    Impact and Academic Outcomes

    12% Rise in Postsecondary Enrollment After Personalized, Competency-based Learning Implemented

    Following full-scale implementation of a proficiency-based system in 2011, a Maine high school's postsecondary enrollment increased to 71% by 2018, up from an average rate of 59% over the 10 years prior to the district’s shift to personalized, competency-based learning.

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Least Advantaged Students Benefit Most from Social-Emotional Learning

    A large study of Chicago Public Schools data showed attending an effective high school (focused on social-emotional learning and behavior, in addition to academics) had the largest impact on the least academically advantaged students. College-going increased by 19% for those least advantaged, compared to a 2% increase for the most advantaged.

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    SEL Increases Graduation Rates for Least Advantaged

    A study of Chicago student data indicated attending an effective high school (focused on social-emotional learning and behavior, in addition to academics) had a bigger impact on the least academically advantaged students the most. High school graduation rates increased by 9% for those least advantaged, compared to a .6% increase for the most advant

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Schools Featuring Social-Emotional Learning and Academics Boast Better Outcomes

    A study of 150 Chicago Public Schools' students showed a statistically significant impact of attending a high school which emphasized social and emotional learning in addition to increasing test scores. Attending an effective high school increased the likelihood of high school graduation by 2.4 and college-going by 2.57 percentage points.

    Curriculum and Instruction

    Washington Teachers Feel Culturally Responsive Practices Improve Equity

    75% of Washington's Mastery-Based Learning Collaborative educators surveyed believe that implementing culturally responsive-sustaining education would improve their school’s ability to achieve equitable outcomes for students from historically marginalized yet resilient groups. 75% also thought it would improve school culture and climate.

    Curriculum and Instruction

    Washington Educators See Mastery-based Learning as Key to Equity

    In evaluating Washington's Mastery-Based Learning (MBL) Collaborative, 67% of educators believe that implementing MBL deeply would improve their school’s ability to achieve equitable outcomes for students from historically marginalized yet resilient groups. 63% also agreed that MBL would improve school culture and climate.

