Making the Case: Compelling Data
This growing library features data points describing the impacts and outcomes of student-centered and competency-based teaching and learning. The data are sourced from research studies, evaluation reports and journal articles, as well as evidence collected directly by classroom, school, district and state leaders.
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Real-world Projects Boost Engagement
Phone surveys administered throughout the day at IowaBIG, a community- and project-based program, showed students were more engaged at the program or with community partners than at their traditional schools. They were significantly more likely to report feeling engaged, active, capable, happy, in control and like they were putting in high effort.
New York City School’s Career Technical Education Program Boosts Graduation Rates
Brooklyn STEAM, a New York City Career Technical Education Program in which students participate in project-based career studies along with academic subjects at their home high schools, reported 88% of the 2021 class graduated, compared to 79% across NYC as a whole.
Whole Child Schools in DC Rate High in Social-Emotional Learning
Students at the 5 DC elementary schools in the Whole-Child Collaborative’s pilot cohort saw statistically significant increases after a year implementing the student well-being model (2019-2020) in each of the SEL competencies measured on the Panorama SEL Assessment. These included self-efficacy, social awareness, perseverance and belonging.
New York City School’s Career and Technical Education Program Boasts Higher College Enrollment
In 2021, 71% of the students attending the student-centered Career and Technical Education program at Brooklyn STEAM enrolled in college compared to just 58% of all New York City students.
Focusing on Whole Student Promotes Belonging, Creates Parent Satisfaction in DC Elementary
Van Ness Elementary, a DC school working with Transcend to rethink education by focusing on the whole student, outperformed schools in the district on all categories of the Panorama SEL evaluation tool, including self-regulation, sense of belonging and satisfaction. Of note, the school received a 98% student and 95% parent satisfaction rating.
Whole Child Schools in DC Rate High in SEL
Students at the five DC elementary schools in the Whole-Child Collaborative’s pilot cohort saw statistically significant increases after a year implementing the student well-being model (2019-2020) in each of the Social-emotional Learning (SEL) competencies measured on the Panorama SEL Assessment. These included self-efficacy, social awareness, p
Relevance with Rigor Boosts Learning
In a large survey, 97% of students who reported positive experiences with relevance, rigor, customization and high expectations also indicated they learned a lot in school. In comparison, of the students who did not have positive experiences in all four areas, only 58% reported high levels of learning.
Most Students Feel Little Control Over Their Learning
A broad array of learning communities surveyed over 20,000 students about their experiences and found most do not feel they have control over their education. Only 29% reported feeling they have a say in what happens to them at school and only 31% said they can choose how they do their work.