Shaping the Future of Readiness:
Three Regional Ohio Strategy Guides

July 3, 2018
By: Katie King, Katherine Prince, Jason Swanson


  • Three strategy guides with opportunities for K-12 and postsecondary education leaders to reshape readiness.
  • How do we prepare people to make meaning and build social connections in an increasingly fragmented and automated world?
  • How might we ethically navigate a world that includes autonomous artificial intelligence?

When we explore the future of learning at KnowledgeWorks, we approach it with an expansive view, taking into consideration different possible futures, scenarios and communities. Our forecasts are used to inform strategy and guide action you can take today to create the best futures for tomorrow. Our work creates opportunities for organizations and teams to collaborate towards a future of learning. In addition to our broad forecasts, we create geography-specific adaptations of our work.

To surface regional opportunities to redefine readiness for the emerging era in three Ohio communities, KnowledgeWorks held convenings across the state. Participants from urban, suburban and rural areas grappled with what the changing nature of work could mean for their geographies. Their reflections and insights informed the creation of three strategy guides. These guides surface opportunities for K-12 and postsecondary education leaders, as well as employment and community stakeholders, to reshape readiness. They are meant to spark ideas, conversation and first steps toward new approaches to learning that will help stakeholders meet the needs of the next generation entering a new world of work. Although created specifically for Ohio communities, the opportunities highlighted in these strategy guides could also inspire action in other places. Download these strategy guides as examples of regional specific publications we can create and so you and your community can start considering questions such as:
  • How do we prepare people to make meaning and build social connections in an increasingly fragmented and automated world?
  • How might we ethically navigate a world that includes autonomous artificial intelligence?
  • What types of political will do the challenges and opportunities ahead require?
  • To what year is your organization or effort aiming its readiness work? 2020? Beyond? How might longer-term thinking shift your goals or approaches?
  • What are your own next steps in shaping the future of readiness?

Southwest Ohio Strategy Guide

Southeast Ohio Strategy Guide

Northeast Ohio Strategy Guide


Katie King
Senior Director of Strategic Engagement
Katherine Prince
Vice President of Foresight and Strategy
Jason Swanson
Senior Director of Strategic Foresight

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